Climate Service Center Germany
The German Federal Government initiated the Climate Service Center Germany in 2009 as a fundamental part of the German hightech-strategy for climate protection. GERICS’ current staff size of about 65 employees covers different scientific disciplines including natural and social sciences.
GERICS offers products, advisory services and decision-relevant information in order to support government, administration and business to adapt to climate change. These products and services are jointly developed with users to meet their specific needs.
In LIFE LOCAL ADAPT Jörg will be responsible for the transferability concept to ensure that results could not only be applied in the project regions.
For further information see Jörg’s profile at the GERICS webpage:
Torsten Weber is a meteorologist and works at GERICS in the Climate System Department. There he works on regional climate models and regional downscaling. Furthermore, he has experience in the development of demand-oriented capacity building workshops.
In LIFE LOCAL ADAPT he supports the development of regional Climate Fact Sheets and works in the task "Transferability and Replicability".
For further information see Torsten’s profile at the GERICS