

The Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology

The Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology (LfULG) is the public authority for environment, agriculture, geology, and rural areas in Saxony. Its primary activities include environmental monitoring, supporting agricultural and environmental measures, welfare-oriented applied research as well as professional education and training in the agricultural and horticultural sector. LfULG also develops strategies and region-specific recommendations for viable and sustainable agricultural and environmental policies. The Unit “Climate, Air Quality” is responsible for regional climate analysis and monitoring and for coordination of and assistance to regional activities concerning climate change, adaptation strategies and measures.



Phone: +49 351 2612 5115

Immo Woschny is an environmental scientist with a focus on water management, climatology and meteorology. In the framework of LIFE LOCAL ADAPT, Immo works with its scientific background on the coordination and communication of various actors (e.g. policy makers, citizens, foresters and farmers, etc.) in order to develop useful and sustainable solutions for climate change adaptation in Saxony.

Phone: +49 351 2612 5110

Dominic Rumpf is applied geoscientist and works as scientific officer at the project LIFE LOCAL ADAPT. He is skilled at spatial and statistical analysis of climate data. Lately he worked at a project in order of LFULG, at TU-Freiberg to create a drought monitoring concept for Saxony. At LIFE LOCAL ADAPT Dominic will be responsible for knowledge transfer and coaching municipalities, especially for technical issues.



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