LIFE Programme

LIFE is a financial instrument of the European Union. The acronym LIFE stands for L’INSTRUMENT FINANCIER POUR L’ENVIRONNEMENT. It’s a program for the financial support of environmental and nature conservation projects since 1992 as well as climate measures since 2014. LIFE consists of four subprograms. The sub-programme Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation covers three priority areas:

• Climate change mitigation: reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

• Climate change adaptation: strengthening resilience against climate change

• Climate change governance and information: Awareness, communication and dissemination of climate relevant information.

LIFE LOCAL ADAPT is part of the priority area Climate change adaptation.

Project proposals can be submitted every year by any legal person registered in the EU (public bodies, private commercial and non-commercial organisations. More information about LIFE and the national contact persons can be found here:

LIFE website

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